Kids Animal Guessing Card Game


PLEASE NOTE: This Resource is free and you can choose to pay nothing for it however if you want to contribute to the site paying something for it you can choose to do so.



PLEASE NOTE: This Resource is free and you can choose to pay nothing for it however if you want to contribute to the site paying something for it you can choose to do so.

How to Play the HMKAB Animal Guessing Game

There are lots of ways you can use these free resources cards to play guess the animal but here is an example of one way you can play this game.

How to play guess the animal

Step One: Ask a child to choose an animal card from the deck.

Step Two: Ask the child to think about the way the animal moves and how they can pretend to be that animal so the other children will be able to guess it.

Step three: Encourage the child to move like the animal he has chosen.

Step four: encourage the children to one at a time try and guess what the animal is.

If you find the children get stuck get them to Ask the child questions to help them guess. For example, What noise does it make? Or what does this animal eat?

If the child doesn’t know to feel free to casually let all the kids know the answer.


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