Kids Wheelchair Friendly Costumes

Halloween Costume hunting is not always easy
Putting together a Halloween costume for your child can be an extravagant and expensive experience. For some parents, this is a highlight and for others, it is something that’s looked on with dread every year as the Halloween costume period arrives.
We take a moment to imagine how much more challenging it would be if your child was in a wheelchair. This challenge is faced every year by parents and only just recently have things gotten a little easier.
These parents of children with disabilities have in the past often gone out of their way to make incredibly creative and imaginative Halloween costumes for there children. However this year these parents will have an option they have never had before to go out and buy a Halloween costume at a big-name store.
Target in partnership with there Hyde and Eek! The boutique has done something that can only be described as magical for these parents. They have released two costumes for parents to purchase off the shelf that are both wheelchair friendly.
These costumes transform the wheelchair into a purple princess carriage or a pirate ship depending on what you decide to purchase.
The pirate ship and princess carriage wheelchair covers, both cost $45 dollars each and are quite well designed as they will fit easily onto wheelchairs of various sizes using a hook-and-loop closure mechanism.
This is a great example of Target not just making life easier for children everywhere with mobility issues.
It’s actually a lot bigger than that. It’s the company setting a new standard and setting a challenge and making a statement to the costume and toy industry to do better for these kids providing products that meet there needs.
Target providing easy off-the-rack adaptive costumes is leading the charge in the industry to becoming more inclusive.
We really hope that its efforts push the rest of the toy industry to make more costumes like this in the future.
There is definitely a market for it as American consumers spend $9 billion each year on Halloween and the trend slowly increasing international with more and more countries starting to celebrate the holidays the profits are definitely there for the company making It not that hard to add adaptive costumes to the mix and still turn a profit.
Check these out at Target Online
Buy the Princess Carriage Costume Here
Buy the Pirate Ship Costume Here
Are you looking for more of the DIY option you can always check out this article below of DIY options for your next wheelchair friendly costume from the lifestyle blog Pop Sugar?
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