Free Printable Christian Bible Story Coloring Puzzles

These Free Bible Story Coloring in Activity Puzzles are a great addition to your Sunday school class
These are unbranded activity sheets that are perfect for your church to use and make there own.
Feel free to edit these and do what you need but please if you publish it link back to this page so others can also access this resource or feel free to make a donation.
These Worksheets Include the Following Stories
- David Fights Goliath Coloring In Puzzle
- David The Shepard Coloring In Puzzle
- Egyptians in the Red Sea Coloring In Puzzle
- Mary & Joseph Flee Egypt Coloring In Puzzle
- Moses and the Burning Bush Coloring In Puzzle
- Woman with the jar of oil Coloring In Puzzle
- Jesus Teaches the Crowds Coloring In Puzzle
- Jesus Prays in the Desert Coloring In Puzzle
These are all in A4 format but the PDF files can be used to create any document you need.
About these Printables
Open any of the printable files above by clicking the link below the image. You will need a PDF reader to view these files.
These printables are for personal and non-commercial use only. Do not republish, upload, or alter the PDF files.
To feature or share these printables, please provide a link to the webpage containing the PDF.